
I just wish there were a wormhole so that I could go to Mars... Oops! I didn't mean the planet, Mars but Mars, the coffee shop. Who wants to go that planet anyway!
Don't know what wormholes are?
A wormhole is a concept that represents a non-trivial solution of the Einstein field equations using the Kasner metric: a non-trivial resolution of the Ehrenfest paradox structure linking separate points in spacetime.
Did you understand? Probably not. Curse you Wikipedia for this explanation. Oh, I forgot about Simple Wikipedia...
A wormhole is a theoretical connection between a black hole and a white hole creating a shortcut through time and space.
By Kes47 (?) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons
It is not known if wormholes exist in nature. Scientists believe that if wormholes existed they could not be made following any traditional scientific methods. In order to hold a wormhole open, a form of theoretical exotic matter would be needed. Otherwise the wormhole would simply disappear very quickly after its creation. If plotted on a 2-dimensional plane, the wormhole bends the plane, like folding a paper, so that the two ends would be touching (as seen in the picture). The term wormhole was first used by John Wheeler, a theoretical physicist. It is also known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge. A wormhole is much like a tunnel with two ends each in separate points in space time. Researchers have no observational evidence for wormholes.
Now that's way better!


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